Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the homepage (
# This project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this project. If
# not, see <>.

import logging

from django import template

from core.utils import format_link

from ..models import BlogPost
from ..models import Page

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
register = template.Library()

[docs]def page_url(pk_or_slug, quiet=True): """Returns the URL to the given primary key or slug. Parameters ---------- pk_or_slug : int or str If an ``int`` is passed, it's assumed to be the primary key of the requested page, otherwise it's assumed to be the slug of the page. quiet : bool, optional Unless ``False``, the function will return an empty string if the page is not found. Otherwise, the ``DoesNotExist`` exception is propagated. """ try: page = Page.objects.pk_or_slug(pk_or_slug) except Page.DoesNotExist: if quiet is False: raise return '' return page.get_absolute_url()
[docs]def page(context, pk, text=None, anchor=None, **attrs): """Get a link to a page based on its primary key or slug. This template tag allows you to generate a HTML link based on the database primary key or slug of a page object. The link (which uses the editable slug) will adapt if the slug is changed. You can also pass anchor tag, any keyword arguments will be HTML attributes. Example:: {% page 23 %} -> <a href="/p/slug-of-page-23/">title-of-page-23</a>. {% page 23 text="foobar" %} -> <a href="/p/slug-of-page-23/">foobar</a>. {% page 23 text="foobar" anchor='foo' class='whatever'%} -> <a href="/p/slug-of-page-23/#foo" class="whatever">foobar</a>. Parameters ---------- pk : int The database primary key of the page to link to. The easiest way to get this is from the URL of the admin interface. text : str, optional The link text to use. If not given, the page title in the current language will be used. anchor : str, optional Optionally adds an anchor tag to the link. **attrs Any other keyword arguments will be used as HTML attributes in the link. """ try: page = Page.objects.pk_or_slug(pk) except Page.DoesNotExist: log.error('%s: Page %s does not exist.', context['request'].path, pk) return text or '' if text is None and attrs.get('title') is not None: log.warn( '%s: {%% page %%} tag uses title parameter instead of text - title is now the title attribute!', context['request'].path) text = attrs['title'] del attrs['title'] text = text or page.title.current url = page.get_absolute_url() if anchor is not None: url = '%s#%s' % (url, anchor) return format_link(url, text, **attrs)
[docs]def post(context, pk, text=None, anchor=None, **attrs): """Get a link to blog post based on its primary key. This templatetag works the same as :py:func:``, except that it links to blog posts. """ try: post = BlogPost.objects.pk_or_slug(pk) except BlogPost.DoesNotExist: log.error('%s: BlogPost %s does not exist.', context['request'].path, pk) return text or '' if text is None and attrs.get('title') is not None: log.warn( '%s: {%% post %%} tag uses title parameter instead of text - title is now the title attribute!', context['request'].path) text = attrs['title'] del attrs['title'] text = text or post.title.current url = post.get_absolute_url() if anchor is not None: url = '%s#%s' % (url, anchor) return format_link(url, text, **attrs)