Sharing, syndication and search engines

General resources:


Facebook “A clear title without branding or mentioning the domain itself.”
Twitter Max. 70 characters


Various description formats that we should support:

What Format Length Description
preview html any What we display as preview on the blog front page.
meta plain 160

What search engines displays as article description.

<meta name='Description" content="....">

RSS2 either any The RSS2 description tag.
Atom either any The Atom summary tag.
Twitter plain 200 The twitter:description card tag.
OpenGraph plain ? Docs say “between 2 and 4 sentences”, but examples only have one sentence.


What Description
Atom For feeds as a whole: icon should be quare, logo is “larger”, aspect ratio 2:1. I couldn’t find any spec stating any recommended/min/max sizes.
RSS2 For feeds as a whole: Maximum is 144x400px, default is 88x31px.
Twitter Minimum 120x120px, must be less then 1MB, cropped to a square.

Minimum 200x200px (but < 600x315 for “small images”), aspect ratio 1.91:1.

See also: Best practices